Starting Point: Jason's house in Lexington, KY
End Point: Super 8 in Morehead, KY
Total Distance: 80 miles (here's a map of the route they took)
We took off at 7:06am this morning (a slight delay due to Behler's need for sun screen). And things got off to a smooth start.
By smooth start, I mean Brennan popped a tire while still in the Lexington city limits.
Once we got that sorted out, the sailing was truly smooth. Here's the equipment we're working with:
Brennan: Specialized Allez Elite
Jason: Schwinn Varsity (no basket)
Ryan: Brennan's Mazda 3 2.3
Let's get the most important info out of the way. Here are the albums I listened to while driving:
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Grampall Jookabox - Ropechain
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
The Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love
Can you tell I was going backwards in my iPod?
Oh, and I ran across a drive-in theater. I've never been to one before. Now I have. I was waiting for a DeLorean to crash into me.
But let's get back to the real heroes of this trip. Today was their 2nd longest day in terms of distance, a crisp 80 miles.
Jason "We eased into the week in terms of elevation, not many hills, but today was our 2nd longest day in terms of distance." Jason also used the word arduous in his description of the day. English teacher, what?!
Brennan: "I feel like I rode 80 miles on a bike today." I think that means he's tired. He also reported about 5 dogs chasing after them, but most would stay in their yards. Except one. This little wind-up toy mutt charged Brennan from its porch, but sort of forgot about the drop. In Jason's words, "that dog beefed it."
We stopped in Mt. Sterling for lunch, at a joint called Terry and Kathy's on Main, per recommendation of our new friend, McCormick.
Here's the deal with McCormick. He introduces himself by last name only. No first name. Not even a hello. Just a "McCormick." He claims that never does a biker go through Mt. Sterling that he doesn't know about. He told us where to eat, and it was the same place he was having lunch. He gave us some tips on our route, and wished us well the rest of the way. I predict he will show up at every little town we go to, like Jacob in LOST.
And now, for today's installment of GREAT MOUSTACHES IN MUSIC HISTORY!
My computer memory is being fidgety, so I've had to adapt my plan and record mini-versions of songs. But that's probably best for everyone. Today's featured artist is Hall & Oates. Oates has the 'stache. Hall looks like Conan O'Brien.
Anyway, once I got to the hotel (which, by the way, we are the only residents of...I think we'll go ghost hunting later), I hunkered down in the room until I had recorded a minute-long version of "Private Eyes." You can access it at my (imaginary) band's myspace page, Kelly and the Ripas.

I may try to add some more pics later tonight, when the little bikers are getting their beauty sleep. But first, they have to plan tomorrow's route...
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ReplyDeleteKelly and the Ripas is an incredible fake band name.