Sunday, July 5, 2009

Leaving Indianapolis...

Follow exploits of myself, Brennan, and Behler as we criss-cross the Bluegrass state all week long, on our way to Lebowski Fest in Louisville. While Behler and Basford are pedaling, I'll be doing any/all of the following:

  • driving the support vehicle
  • making their lunches
  • writing little notes to put in their lunches
  • sporting a sweet moustache (a different style per day)
  • posting pics and writing about our trip
  • reading AP and British literature
  • recording (and hopefully posting) covers of songs by some of the greatest moustaches in rock 'n roll history


  1. i need to see some pre-start mustache photos.

  2. Writing and recording mustache songs, eh?

    Please tell me a "Bicycle Race" by Queen cover is in the works.

    It combines the three things that this trip is all about:

    (1) Freddy Mercury's commanding mustache
    (2) Bikes and such
    (3) Operatic three-part harmony.

    Get on it, son.

    Have fun.
